Bereavement, Grief, and Resilience

In this blog, we offer valuable insights and practical strategies to help individuals and families cope with the profound impacts of bereavement, grief, and life's most significant challenges. Discover ways to prepare for difficult times, respond with strength and compassion, and find the path to recovery and resilience. Join us on this journey of healing and growth as we navigate life's great challenges together.

Delayed Grief

An intimate story of a mother's delayed grief over the loss of her three children.

The Loneliness of Grief: When People Move On, But You’re Still Mourning

The House at the End of the Street The house at the end of the street hadn’t changed…

How to Support a Friend Who is Grieving (When You Don’t Know What to Say)

How to Support a Friend Who is Grieving (When You Don’t Know What to Say)The air outside smelled…

Guilt and Grief: The "What Ifs" That Haunt Us

Guilt and Grief: The “What Ifs” That Haunt UsThe sky was an endless shade of grey, heavy with…

How Grief Affects the Body: Understanding the Physical Symptoms of Loss

How Grief Affects the Body: Understanding the Physical Symptoms of LossThe first time Claire realized grief had settled…

The Silent Weight of Unspoken Grief

The first time Amy realized that grief could be silent, it was in the way her father stopped…

Why Grief Resurfaces Years Later

The Weight of MemoryClaire stood in the hallway, staring at the door she hadn’t opened in years. Sofie’s…

Self-Care After Trauma: One Woman’s Story of Reclaiming Herself

A Fragile Return to LifeThe first time Emma stepped outside after the accident, the world felt different—too loud,…

Grieving and Valentine’s Day: Holding Space for Love

A Love Story That Never EndsThe café on the corner of Maple and 4th smelled like cinnamon and…



We are a nonprofit founded in honor of Jenna Betti, funding programs to empower and inspire people to thrive despite adversity.


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